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Finstock Church of England Primary School is an inclusive school and every child, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community.
We provide a stimulating environment and an enriched curriculum that is fully inclusive. We aim to enable every child to learn as effectively as possible, to enjoy his/her learning and to provide a foundation for life-long learning.
We ensure that all our pupils receive Quality First Teaching. This includes appropriate differentiation for individual pupils, high quality resources and effective use of additional support provision. We aim to identify and break down possible barriers to learning so that all our pupils experience success. This does not mean treating all pupils equally; it means treating all pupils as individuals and ensuring they have the required provision to achieve the best possible progress.
- Behaviour - Ready, Respectful, Safe
- Classes
- Curriculum Intent
- Home Learning - Learning with Parents
- Inclusion
- Junior Citizenship
- Mathematics
- Music Lessons
- Our Curriculum
- Our Library
- Reading and Phonics
- School Council
- Sport and Health
- Forest School
- Memorable Experiences
- Year 6 Residential
- Enrichment Clubs
- Outdoor Learning and Play
- British Values
- Personal Development
- Eco School