British Values

What are British Values?

Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK.

These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.

We explore what each of these values means each term, sharing our knowledge between classes.

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Rule of Law 2024

For our British Values afternoon on rule of law this year, the children built upon what they had learnt previously.

Oak and Cherry Class
This week, our children explored the importance of the Rule of Law. They discussed why rules are vital for creating a fair and safe community and shared examples of rules they follow both at home and in school. The class then worked together to create their own rule, which reflects their values and ensures everyone can learn and play happily. It was a great opportunity for the children to think critically about fairness and responsibility!

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Cherry class pupil voice:

No shouting - Jaxon

Stop sign - Rufus

We are kind to each other - Arlo

We listen to the teachers and our friends - Rufus

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Cedar class

We have learnt the difference between rights and responsibilities. We looked at why it’s important to have rules in the world and discussed if all rules were abolished, if you would feel freedom or fear.

Sebbie - Responsibilities must be followed by everyone to make society stable.

Ed- Rights are something everyone is entitled to, something everyone should respect and not disrespect.

Arran- People need their privacy and respect and if people don’t follow that there could be punishments.

Adele - Everybody should have equal rights, if you don’t have equal rights you should argue as it’s unfair.

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Democracy 2023


Democracy is a culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities. 

To explore this, Oak Class discussed the definition of ‘democracy’ and learnt it meant everyone gets to use their voice, everyone gets a turn, and it is fair. Oak Class created new class rules and thought of 3 reasons why their rule was the best. The whole class then either voted yes or no for their rules. The rule with the most votes won. 


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Pupil voice

Cedar Class discussed the definition of democracy. They engaged in a debate and thought about why democracy is a British Value and fundamental right. In partners, they created posters on the importance of democracy.

They learned that democracy is the foundation of the UK's political system. This British value is based on the idea that everyone should have an equal say in how their country is run, and that the government should be accountable to the people. All things voting, elections and referendums come in to play here.

The children discussed how we vote and then looked at the different political ideoligies we have in the country (socialism, liberalism and conservatism) and defined them. Finally, we got together with Oak to share our learning and the amazing information posters we created. You can see our work hanging proudly in the recpetion area of our school.

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Both classes then came together to share their learning and teach the other children about what they had learnt.

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Rule of Law 2023

Rule of Law 

Rule of law is the need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.

Oak Class discussed the difference between a rule and law:

Pupil voice

"We have rules at school. These keep us safe and we are kind to our friends."

"A rule is kind hands and kind words."

"Everyone has to do laws. You can't steal things and you have to drive what the sign says."

"If we didin't have rules and laws, everything would be a big mess because there would be nothing to stop people treating others unfairly."


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Cedar took part in a British Values afternoon focussing on the rule of Law. We discovered that the rule of law means that everyone in society is treated equally and fairly, and that everyone follows the same rules and laws. This value promotes a sense of order and stability in society, and helps to prevent crime and other harmful behaviors. The UK justice system is a large part of this, including laws, police officers and courts.

We explored how laws are created and passed while looking at the relationship between the House of Commons and the House of Lords. We also explored the punsihments for breaking the law by looking at various scenarious and discussing the appropriateness of the punsihment.

Both classes then came together and discussed different scenario cards in groups. We thought about what they had done wrong in each scenario and if we agreed with the punishment. If we didn't agree, we thought about what a more appropriate punishment would be and why. 

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Individual Liberty 2023

We learnt individual liberty means each of us having the freedom to make our own choices and do what we want – within reason. As long as we respect the other British values and the human rights of others, then we are free to pursue our ambitions, and follow our own will.

Individual liberty means...

People can choose to do what they want if it is respectful.

You get a choice. You need to be respectful and be kind. 

You can choose. But you can't upset people.

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