Eco School

At Finstock we have been learning a lot about our environment and the problems we have caused. We have resolved to apply to become an Eco School with Green Flag status.

So what is an Echo School and what is the Green Flag?

Now more than ever, people care deeply about environmental issues and have a strong desire to actively protect our planet. However, environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity-loss, or plastic pollution are huge global issues and the thought of tackling them can be intimidating, leaving many feeling overwhelmed and wondering ‘Where do I begin?’

The Eco-Schools programme provides a simple, seven-step framework that answers this question whilst empowering young people to make a difference in their school, local community and beyond. Since 1994, millions of young people around the world have worked through the Eco-Schools Seven Steps before being recognised for their efforts with a prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag.

We have chosen to focus on three topics. These topics break large, global issues like climate change into more manageable and directed themes that prompt young people to consider environmental changes that they can make in their school and everyday lives. Our topics are Litter, Marine and Biodiversity.

We have already made a start!

We have built and installed a bat box, put up bird feeders, and planted pollinators. We have ordered some litter pickers so that we can keep Finstock beautiful and we are having a look at our laminating and glitter usage.

Our Eco Council have also delivered an assembly to the whole school. Our assembly justified our work on becoming an Eco School and explained the system. The council also delivered our action plan.

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We also have created an information board in school so pupils and staff can see all the good we are doing.

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