Ofsted Report

Finstock Church of England Primary School had an Ofsted inspection on the 23rd and 24th January 2024.

We are extremely proud that our relentless focus on the quality of education has been recognised by Ofsted.

By working together we will continue to ensure that Finstock Church of England Primary School provides an outstanding education. 


What is it like to attend our school?

'Pupils receive an excellent start to their education. Every morning pupils arrive with a palpable sense of enthusiasm towards their learning. This is because the school has the highest ambition for every pupil to be the best they can be. The school vision of ‘providing all children with the highest level of academic curriculum and pastoral care’ is fully realised. Pupils are exceptionally well equipped for continued success.

Pupils behave impeccably in lessons and at play times. They have a profound understanding of kindness and friendship. Younger children admire and seek guidance from their peers, who they view as caring and supportive role models. Older pupils see the school as ‘one big family’ and relish the opportunity to play and learn alongside each other.

All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, (SEND) thrive. They benefit from a comprehensive curriculum and also access a wide range of enrichment opportunities. Pupils participate keenly in competitions such as boccia and cross country. Moreover, they exhibit a strong ecological knowledge, caring deeply for the environment. Through forest school activities and creating a welcoming habitat for bats and birds within the school grounds, pupils showcase their detailed understanding of the natural world.'


Click here to view our recent Ofsted Report