Oak - Reception and Key Stage 1

Terms 5 and 6 Project



In the Coastline project, your child will use maps to learn about the location of the world’s seas and oceans and keys to learn about map symbols. They will also find out about the directions on a compass. They will learn about the human and physical features of a coastline, including the effects of erosion and how to stay safe when visiting the coast. They will have the opportunity to learn about the work of the RNLI, what happened to the SS Rohilla and about the coastal town of Whitby, including how Captain Cook is linked to the town. They will research the tourism industry and consider what features make a place a successful tourist destination.




Reception: Composition of numbers to 20; Mass and Capacity; Sharing and Grouping; Geometry (Position and Direction); Time

KS1: Place value to 100; Mass and Volume; Fractions; Money; Time; Position and Direction


Reception (Term 5): Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk (Narrative); Katie and the Sunflowers (Narrative); How to Grow a Sunflower (Instructions)

Reception (Term 6): The Rainbow Fish (Narrative); The Snail and the Whale (Postcard); Perfectly Norman (Narrative)

KS1: The Song of the Sea (Narrative); This is How We Do It (Letter); Our Trip to the Beach (Recount); Storm Whale (Narrative) 

Coastline Memorable Experience

Trip to Bournemouth West Beach 


Jobs in the past; Significant people – Captain Cook

Geography  Maps, globes and atlases; World seas and oceans; Human and physical features; Locational language; Compass directions; Physical processes – erosion; Changes over time; Tourism

Companion project: Plant survival

This project teaches children about the growth of plants from seeds and bulbs. They observe the growth of plants firsthand, recording changes over time and identifying what plants need to grow and stay healthy.

Companion project: Uses of materials

This project teaches children about the uses of everyday materials and how materials' properties make them suitable or unsuitable for specific purposes. They begin to explore how materials can be changed.

Design and Technology 

Companion project: Beach huts

Strengthening and joining materials. 

Innovate Challenge: Design and create a wooden beach hut 

Art and Design 

Companion project: Flower head

Analysing artwork; Exploring visual elements – colour, shape, form, texture and pattern; Significant artist – Yayoi Kusama; Drawing; Printmaking; 3-D forms

Innovate Challenge:  Creating flower sculptures 


We are treasure hunters: 

We will begin to design and create algorithms, programming and debugging the floor robots. 

We are photographers:

We will take photos using the tablets, and learn to store, organise and manipulate images. 

PD/ PE Dance; Gymnastics; Agility, Balance and Coordination; Athletics
PSHE Staying Safe; Special People; Strengths and Goals 
Religious Education

Memorable Experience: Visit to the Synagogue 


Is Shabbat important to Jewish children? 

How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do? 

Our PE days this term are: Wednesday and Friday. 


Home learning

Homework will be set on a Friday. Home learning journals will be sent home to be returned by the following Thursday. Activities and reading logs can be accessed via our online learning platform, Learning with Parents

Log on to TTRS or Numbots to practice your times tables and number bonds. Try to do this 5 minutes a day - it really makes a difference! Log in details can be found in your home learning journal. 

Reading Books

We hope that you will be able to read with your child for at least 10 minutes per day. Children in Green phonics group will have 2 phonic books we are currently reading in class in their bags to read each night. Please ensure these are in your child's bag each day so they can be changed when we begin the next text.

Every Friday we will have a library session during which your child will choose a new reading book to take home or continue with one they are already reading.  Books cannot be changed for a new text unless the previous one is returned.


What have we been learning?    

Memorable Experience - Bournemouth Beach

As part of our project 'Coastline', Oak Class visited Bournemouth West Beach to learn about human and physical features of a coastline. 

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We began the day with lunch and some fun in the sand! We built sandcastles, dug holes and had so much fun. After lunch, we all enjoyed a giant ice cream - so yummy! 

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We then took a walk along the beach, hunting for human and physical features of the coastline. The children identified cliffs, beach huts, the pier, shops, and the ocean. 

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Our favourite part of the day was paddling in the sea. The water wasn't too cold and we had lots of fun jumping over the waves. The children collected beautiful shells, pebbles and very slimy seaweed!

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We finally headed home after a long, tiring day filled with fun!

Pupil voice:

I loved jumping in the ocean. The seaweed was so slimy I liked touching it. 


I had so much fun. The beach was warm and I loved eating my ice cream. I saw beach huts and lifeguards!


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In English, we have been writing a narrative based on the film 'The Song of the Sea'. We designed magical objects that transformed us into a sea creature to let us explore the ocean. How amazing are our stories! 


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We have been exploring finding fractions of shapes and different quantities. We explored the range of different ways we can find halves and quarters of different shapes. 

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KS1 have investigated finding halves and quarters of different quantities, whilst reception have focused on sharing objects equally to find odd and even numbers. 

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Expressive Art and Design

Our new project in Art is 'Flower Head'. We have begun our project by exploring the shape, form, and texture of flowers. We created observational drawings, focusing on developing our sketching skills. 

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Geography & Understanding the World

In our project, 'Coastline', we have been learning about erosion. We have learnt that erosion is how coastlines change and how caves are formed. We experimented by creating cliffs from sand and making waves. We found that the unprotected sand collapsed easily, demonstrating erosion, and the sand we had protected with rocks was safe.

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Religious Education 

Term 6

Our Big Question is 'How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?'. Our theme this term is Passover.

We began by discussing who we listen to and why.

I listen to my mummy because she is kind.

I listen to Miss James because she is caring. 

We have then discussed the origins of Passover by exploring the bible story of Exodus. We thought about how the Israelites must have felt when crossing the Red Sea. 

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Term 5

Last term, our Big Question was 'Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?'.

To begin our new project, we discussed the days of the week and if any days were special to us. What do we do on these special days and why are they special? 

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We have learnt more about Judaism and Jewish traditions. We discussed important places and traditions to Jewish people and reflected on why they are important. 

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Our memorable experience will be visiting a local Synagogue. 

Term 4 

Our Big Question was 'Why does Easter matter to Christians?'. 

Our memorable experience for this project was investigating Spring. We searched for signs of Spring in the outdoor environment. We discussed how Spring represents new life and how this relates to Easter. 

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We explored the Easter Weekend. We looked at hot cross buns and noticed they had the cross on them to represent Jesus dying on the cross. We made Easter Gardens ready to celebrate Easter. 

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Term 3

Our Big Question was 'Why was Jesus welcomed like a King or Celebrity on Palm Sunday?'. We investigated our Big Question by thinking about the royal family and how we would welcome someone special if they came in to school. 

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Term 2

Our Big Question was "Why does Christmas matter to Christians?". We learnt about the Nativity Story and went on a story trail to find out more. We discussed the meaning of Advent and what traditions Christians have during this period. We made advent wreathes and thought about the symbolism of these. 

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In Collective Worship, our current value is justiceWe have started to reflect on stories from the bible that demonstrate examples of justiceWe have thought about why it is important to keep on trying and how this makes us feel. 

To begin exploring our new value, we discussed equality and how treating people fairly does not always mean treating everyone exactly the same. We demonstrated this by sharing blocks of all different shapes and sizes. Not everyone could have the same because all the blocks were different. We shared them as fairly as we could to make sure everyone was happy with what they had. 

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Matthew 21.12-13: …my Temple will be called a house of prayer. But you have turned it into a hideout for thieves. (Jesus turning the tables in the temple)

Micah 6. 9: What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Matthew 5. 13-14: ‘You are the salt of the earth………… You are the light of the world.’


Last term, our value was perseverance: 


Hebrews 12.1: Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us that is before us.

Deuteronomy 13.6: The Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you of forsake you


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Prayer Space

In Oak Class, we have explored our understanding of prayer. Prayer space takes place each morning to ensure we start each day with an opportunity for reflection and spiritual development. We have calming music playing and use a candle to help us say our prayers. Here are some of the activities we have chosen to do in Prayer Space:

Prayer wall



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Page Downloads Date  
Beach hut knowledge organiser 30th Mar 2024 Download
Flower head knowledge organiser 30th Mar 2024 Download
Uses of materials knowledge organiser 30th Mar 2024 Download
Plant survival knowledge organiser 30th Mar 2024 Download
Coastline knowledge organiser 30th Mar 2024 Download