Oak - Reception and Key Stage 1

Terms 1 and 2 Project



In the Childhood project, your child will learn words and phrases related to the passage of time. They will explore artefacts to help them to understand childhood in the past and how childhood has changed over time. They will explore the six stages of life and explore timelines and family trees.

Everyday life in the 1950s will be explored, including shopping, transport, family life and childhood. They will also learn about the significance of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953 by studying photographs and online sources. The children will use maps to explore how places have changed over time and highlight any similarities or differences between childhood today and childhood in the 1950s.

At the end of the project, they will create knowledge organisers for children who are about to study the topic of childhood.




Reception: Match, sort and compare; Measure and patterns; Exploring numbers 1-5; Circles and triangles; Shapes with 4 sides. 

KS1: Place value; Addition and Subtraction; Shape; Time 


Reception: Development of oral blending (Fred talk); Name writing; We're Going on a Bear Hunt; Fairy tales and traditional tales

KS1: Grandad's Island (Narrative); The Day the Crayons Quit (Persuasive Letter); Little Red Reading Hood (Traditional Tale with a Twist); Strange (Poetry) 

Memorable Experience

Life in the 1950s-1970s Museum Workshop 


Historical vocabulary; Historical artefacts; Timelines; Everyday life and childhood in the 1950s; Significant events – Queen's coronation; Enquiry


Companion project: Our Wonderful World

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about physical and human features, maps, cardinal compass points, and positional and directional language. They learn about the equator, hemispheres and continents and are introduced to the countries, capital cities and settlements of the United Kingdom. The children carry out simple fieldwork to find out about local physical and human features.


Companion project: Everday Materials 

Materials; Natural materials; Human-made materials; Grouping materials; Properties of materials; Venn diagrams; Comparing and testing materials; Working scientifically – Identifying and classifying, Observing changes over time, Comparative test, Pattern seeking, Research

Companion project: Human Senses

This project teaches children that humans are a type of animal known as a mammal. They name and count body parts and identify similarities and differences. They learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.

Design and Technology 

Companion project: Shade and Shelter

This project teaches children about the purpose of shelters and their materials. They name and describe shelters and design and make shelter prototypes. Children then design and build a play den as a group and evaluate their completed product.

Art and Design 

Companion project: Mixing Colours

This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours and how artists use colour in their artwork

Companion project: Funny Faces and Fabulous Features

This project teaches children about the concept of the portrait and how the collage technique can be used to make a portrait.


We are Rhythmic

In this project, the children will use Scratch Jr and Garage Band to create patterns of sounds. 

PD/ PE Indoor Dance; Outdoor multi-skills (throwing and catching; developing balance and coordination) 
PSHE Developing positive relationships; Stages of life; Changes
Religious Education


What do Christians believe God is like?

What is the good news that Jesus brings?

Our PE days this term are: Tuesday (Indoor) and Friday (Outdoors). 


Home learning

Homework will be set on a Friday. Home learning journals will be sent home to be returned by the following Thursday. Activities and reading logs can be accessed via our online learning platform, Learning with Parents

Log on to TTRS or Numbots to practice your times tables and number bonds. Try to do this 5 minutes a day - it really makes a difference! Log in details can be found in your home learning journal. 

Reading Books

We hope that you will be able to read with your child for at least 10 minutes per day. Children in Green phonics group onwards will have 2 phonic books we are currently reading in class in their bags to read each night. Please ensure these are in your child's bag each day so they can be changed when we begin the next text.

Every Friday we will have a library session during which your child will choose a new reading book to take home or continue with one they are already reading. Books cannot be changed for a new text unless the previous one is returned.


What have we been learning?    

Memorable Experience

Oak Class had a wonderful memorable experience travelling back in time to the 1950s, 60s and 70s! They explored lots of different toys and games from this era and compared them to the toys they play with today.

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Science and Understanding the World

We have begun exploring a range of different materials. To begin this new project, we went on an outdoor materials scavenger hunt trying to find objects made from wood, plastic, metal, glass, stone, and fabric.

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Metal and wood on the gate! 

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Religious Education 

Term 1: What do Christians Believe God is Like?

Our focus this term is Christianity and the key concept 'God'. Our Big Question is 'What do Christians believe God is like?'. 

We launched the project by exploring the parable of 'The Lost Son'. He thought about how the father in the parable is a metaphor for God, and his son is the Christian people as God loves everyone. 

We have discussed important people in our lives, and how important they are to us. We have then thought about how important God must be to Christian people.

How do Christians show love to God? 

Pupil voice:

'Christians pray to God and light candles'

'They visit the church.'

'Christian's take care of the world because God created it and they want to look after it for him.'

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Collective Worship

Our Christian value this term is Thankfulness. 

Luke 22.19: Jesus broke bread and gave thanks. 

1 Chronicles 29.12: All things come from you and of your own do we give you.

We have been learning about the meaning of thankfulness and the different things we are thankful for.

We wrote a prayer to God to say thank you for all the wonderful people in our lives that help us. 

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We have thought about creation, and our wonderful world. We thought about what we are most thankful for.

Pupil Voice

'I am thankful for the birds tweeting'

'I am thankful for the rain making the flowers grow tall' 

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Prayer Space

In Oak Class, we have explored what prayer is and why time for reflection is important for our wellbeing and the development of spirituality. Each prayer space, we have calming music playing and use a candle to help us say our prayers. Stay tuned to see some of the exciting activities we have explored in prayer space this term! 


Page Downloads Date  
Childhood Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download
Everyday materials Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download
Funny faces and fabulous features Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download
Human senses Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download
Mixing colours Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download
Our wonderful world Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download
Shade and shelter Knowledge Organiser 07th Aug 2024 Download