Cherry Class


Cherry class is a fantastic classroom that is full of learning opportunities for our younger children. Mrs Harris, our incredibly talented and experienced Nursery Nurse, ensures that the continuous provision in this classroom and the adjoining outdoor space enables our children to learn through play and develop their:

  •  Communication and language
  •  Physical development
  •  Personal, social and emotional development
  •  Literacy
  •  Mathematics
  •  Understanding the world
  •  Expressive arts and design



Let's Explore


In the Let’s Explore project, your child will explore their class environment and school grounds so that they feel settled and happy in their new surroundings. They will learn about the local environment and find out about places they have visited on holiday. They will look at and create maps for journeys.

Supporting your child at home

  • Use  Google Earth to explore the locality.
  • Go on a walk around your local community and talk about the things that you see.
  • Encourage your child to talk about the activities they enjoy doing at school.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.

Build It Up



In the Build It Up project, your child will explore structures in the world around them. They will learn about materials and their properties, and will have the chance to work independently and in groups to design and make marvellous structures.

Supporting your child at home

  • Take a walk in the local area. Look at and talk about the buildings and other structures you see.
  • Talk about the materials from which their house is made, such as brick, stone or wood.
  • Take a large cardboard box and see what you can create together.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.



Colours and matching; Sorting; Exploring numbers 1-3; Pattern and Sequencing 


Mark making; pattern making; pencil grip and control; songs and rhymes; We're Going on a Bear Hunt; Fairy tales and Traditional Tales

Understanding the World

Who lives here? Exploring woodland animals; Exploring our local area; Journeys and Maps; World explorers; Seasonal changes; Historical explorers

PD/ PE Dance; Agility, Balance and Coordination; Fine motor skills
PSED Turn taking games; Developing relationships; Exploring emotions  
Expressive Arts and Design Fantasy worlds; Bear Hunt; Sensory Walk; Songs and Rhymes; Colourful Homes; Building Towers and Bridges. 
Communication and Language Listening, attention and understanding; Speaking; Working in small groups; Taking turns in discussions
Religious Education

Our theme this term is Special People. 

Our Big Question is: What makes people special? 

Memorable experience Exploring the school and our local area 

Our PE days this term are: Tuesday (Indoor) and Friday (Outdoor). 



Term 1: Special People

Our big question this term is 'What makes people special?'. 



Maths is taught daily to challenge and inspire all. Maths resources are available for children to access at all times and enhanced provision activities linked to our weekly maths focus are provided to encourage children to develop their skills independently. 

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Expressive Arts and Design

Children can access an assortment of creative and fine motor activities in our creative area. A range of materials are available at all times to encourage their imaginations. Enhanced provision activities linked to our current project are provided for the children to engage with. 

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Understanding the World

Understanding the World is an exploration of the natural world, past and present, and different cultures and communities. Understanding the World is taught through our project lessons. Children will find an investigation task in their enhanced provision each week linked to their project or something they have expressed an interest in. 

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Creating bird feeders.

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Clean teeth egg investigation

Outdoor Learning

We have a wonderful outdoor area that extends across two levels and has a range of equipment to encourage the development of gross and fine motor skills. 

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Reflections and Prayer Space

Children in Cherry Class are encouraged to access our reflection area when they would like a quiet moment to sit and think. If they choose too, they can light a candle to help them think about our Collective Worship value. This term our value is Thankfulness. 

We have discussed what prayer is, what people may pray for, and the different ways in which people pray. We have a collection of activities to access, or we simply sit and reflect.

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Weekly observations of your child will be recorded on Tapestry. Any home learning ideas and messages from the class teachers will be left on here. Please aim to access Tapestry at least once a week to ensure you are up to date with your child’s learning.

If you need help with accessing Tapestry then please talk to Miss James, Miss Carvell-Turner, or ask in the school office.


Page Downloads Date  
Lets explore Did you know resource 07th Aug 2024 Download
Build it up Did you know resource 07th Aug 2024 Download