Local  Committee


The Local Commitee is established by The MILL Academy Trust Board and  has three key functions in their relationship with the school: Support, Challenge and Champion. The functions, duties and proceedings of the Local Committee are set out in The MILL Academy Trust’s Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference. Each Local Committee volunteer plays an essential part in making sure that the committee as a whole works effectively. All Local Committee volunteers abide by a code of conduct which includes the seven principles of public life. 

The Local  Committee has three link volunteers for Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Disability and Grants such as  Pupil Premium.  The Local Committee meets three times a year.

Currently the Local Committee is a joint Local Committee with Queen Emma's Primary School. The Chair is Kate Sutton. To contact the Local Committee please email their clerk: clerk@finstock.oxon.sch.uk.


The Local Committee (LC) 2023/24


Date Appointed 

Elected by Parents/Carers

End of Office

Pecuniary and Personal Intersts

Ms Alda Porter

19 May 2023

18 May 2027







Academy Appointed

Date Appointed

Appointed by Trustees

End of Office

Pecuniary and Personal Interests 

Marc Thompson

19 April 2024

18 April 2028

Chair of Finstock Parish Council



Diocese Appointed

Date Appointed

End of Office

Pecuniary and Personal Interests


(requires Diocese approval)






Date Appointed 

Elected by Staff

End of Office

Pecuniary and Personal Interests

Leanne Dixon

1 September 2020





Previous Local Committee Volunteers 


Date Appointed

End of Office or Stepped Down Date

Rev Jacky Bone 

5 October 2022

19 March 2024

Tammy Judd

19 May 2023

22 November 2023

Joshua Walter

5 October 2022

5 March 2023

Topaz Skerett

7 July 2021

5 December 2022

Peter Welpy

10 October 2018

16 March 2022

Clemmie Stewart

7 July 2021

9 March 2022

Gemma Chandler

30 January 2018

29 January 2022


